16. März 2017 :: 18.00 - 20.00 Uhr

English (VHS/Akademie)

Proposed Conversational English Course

Leitung: Dr. Lorraine Kershaw

If you want to feel more confident when conversing in English and able to engage in discussions on topics of interest to you, then this is your course. It is structured around your unique interests, for example, your hobbies, cultural pursuits and experiences. In this context and through guided discussion, you will participate in a range of speaking and listening activities which focus on beginning and maintaining a conversation, giving an opinion, describing situations or events and choosing appropriate strategies in formal and informal situations. Role play scenarios will be included together with incidental grammar and contextual vocabulary as needed. The emphasis will be on fluency and how you express yourself naturally in conversations.

Termine: 6 - mal bis zum 6. April jede Woche donnerstags

Ort: Kueser Akademie/VHS, Gestade 6, 2. Etage

Kurs-Nr.: 17/52; Kosten: 45,00 € Teilnahme nach Anmeldung bei der VHS Bernkastel-Kues

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